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The Pen Master ©

There is a fine balance between expression and control. Poetry in an excellent way to find that balance. Mastered meter and possibly rhyme, to avant-garde free verse is bent and willed as the poet's great message finds freedom on the page. My goal, to find this balance... Everything on this blog is copyright © by P. Allan Frederick and permission must be granted in order to copy or use any content!

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Location: Eastern Kentucky, United States

I am a passionate and compassionate Biblican who is also deeply into the arts. I can defend doctrines and bring people to God, but I also am a fine art painter and creator and have published poetry in several magazines including Pegasus, Envoi, and a hand full of times in the local paper. I also have a POD Poetry Book which can be bought on Amazon.com called "September Blue" by P. Allan Frederick.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

To publish, or not to publish?

To post or not to post? That is the question. I am in a quandary. There are poems that I would like to post and share with you all. All of which will someday show up in my second collection. But what I am uncertain of is publishing rights, and qualifications of poems on a blog are considered published or not. Are they considered published? Or not? I really don’t know. In many poetry publications, literary magazines, and announced contests they require previously unpublished poetry. That is where the dilemma is at.

To me, a blog is basically a journal online, but technically I believe that it is published. The reason that I think that is because years ago, there was a company that promoted their blog’s as being self-published. That is really the only thing that I have in my head that relates to the subject.

I think my ideal situation is to find some message boards where I could find an answer. I'm sure I am not the only person to struggle with the same issue.

I only can produce, on average, two to three poems a week. There are many factors included to determine this rate. The first being inspiration. It is hard for my to write a poem that has to come out of the thin air. I can do it, it’s just that it isn’t that easy. Second, I need to pick out what form I am using. Free verse? Traditional? An if traditional, what type? Dramatic Monologue, Cinquain, Haiku, limerick, or a Rondeau are all possibilities, and there are even more. I like to use rhyme and meter and so forth, but it takes a great deal of work.

I may be alone in my thinking, but I doubt it, mainly because nobody is alone in the way that they think. But to me it seems that I can achieve a greater level of expression and passion in free verse. It is unrestricted, and you can use form to a greater advantage. However, there is also some creative security in using more common traditional style as well.

I really want to work on my meter and rhyming, because it is like training for the martial arts, but for poetry. I am assuming that the more I become proficient at using traditional form, the better I will become at free verse. The more discipline I achieve, the greater my freedom will be. It’s the same principle used in my experiences as a Christian. The more I resist transgression, the freer I become as a person.

So, in conclusion, I think investigation is required before I post anymore of my poetry, and I need to practice my form, so I can become a poet Kung-Fu master.


Blogger P. Allan Frederick said...

Exactly my point! I think that everyone of my poems are children. Children I would sell out for publication and prize money, but still my children. With your children, you want the best for what you can give them. So, I can put them on this blog which only three or four people read, or I can save them for other endevors.

10:07 AM  

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