Well, Tina asked when I am going to update. So, this is it. It HAS been a while, but I have had a great deal going on in my life as far as my health is concerned, and I am just now getting “normal”, or at least as normal as I can get. It has been a real rough ride, including several stays at the hospital, a stress test, a heart cath, hallucinogens, insomnia with extreme nausea, and more. I know this isn’t really writing related, but I would like to give an update. Basically what happened is this: Being on SSD, I was forced to go on the new GWB Medicare Rx plan. Well, the provider mandated that in order for them to cover certain medications, I would have to try cheaper alternatives that should produce the same effect. I’m not talking generics to name brand, but different drugs all together. Well, it has taken 6 years and multiple doctors in order to get the medicated balance that I have, and they messed with it big time. It totally screwed me up. I mean it almost killed me. It makes me furious just to think about it. My doctor said that he’d back me up if I sued, but I’m not the suing kind. I will just work out my anger in prayer and therapy, sin confession and continuing my ever quest for a contrition before all mankind. But still…
Anyway, I have been preparing for this years poetry contest with the FPS, and been writing some great poetry (if I say so myself). I’ve been working on a Sonnet and limerick this past weekend. I forgot how much I enjoy writing Sonnet. It is no wonder that Keats excelled in Sonnet (both Italian and Elizabethan). However, being the master that he was, he could do these things in just minutes. For signing up for my “The American Poetry Review” I got a free copy of “64 Sonnets of John Keats” or something like that. I already had a Keats book, but this one was way cool. Anyway, my rhythm is slightly off on my Sonnet, and I’m trying to fix it today. What I mean is that, using Iambic Pentameter, which is five feet, or five “beats” a line, and some of my lines run half a beat behind. Look at the rhythm of Iambic Pentameter – duh DUH duh DUH duh DUH duh DUH duh DUH. Well, half of my lines are short that last DUH; with just 4 and ½ feet. But, it really works as far as what the lines say, and the need is to find one extra syllable to make different. Look here, this is what I mean:
Line #3 – Ye align thyself with him whose plot = 4½ feet
Line #4 – Is to ruin the gift of the one above = 5½
Line #14 – Be wise and pray ‘here not to his deceit. = 5
Of course with Sonnet, which can be arguably a 14 or 17 line poem, with the Elizabethan Sonnet, lines 1 and 3 rhyme, lines 2 and 4 rhyme, line 5 and 7 rhyme, line 6 and 8 rhyme, lines 9 and 11 rhyme, lines 10 and 12 rhyme and then lines 13 and 14 rhyme back to back. So the rhyme scheme looks like this ababcdcdefefgg; with the true Iambic Pentameter (five rhythmic beats).
Truthfully, I don’t write a great deal of Sonnet, but I still like it. What I have to do to keep straight is to literally write
and so forth down the page and use that as a guide. It helps tremendously.
Along with finishing my Jesus and the M16 manuscript (today!), and writing poetry for the contest, I am also working on research on opening a book store here in Flatwoods. I am also looking to see about opening one in Ashland, but one thing at a time. From my research so far, Flatwoods looks like a prime location for this idea. Also, the research that I have done also indicates that used book stores are thriving from online sales. I am interested in a New/Used bookstore, including mag.’s, comics, Children’s, and maybe even text books. It won’t take much money to make this happen, and that is the cool thing. I think we just might be able to manage this whole thing. Hopefully, in the long run, I can make it so that my wife won’t have to work. She manages the house and home so well, but when she works full time like she does, she can’t get everything done (yes, I do help out) that she wants to get done. It is frustrating for her. I would like to change that and make it a smoother area in her life, less stress! Also, I am able to make some income while still on disability. All I have to do is at the end of the year, I report it on my taxes. I have like a year and a half to see if the situation will work out before loosing my SSD. Also, I don’t think that I could run the store, myself, full or even part time. That means that I would have to hire management and staff. But, that would be all worked out in the biz and action plan. I am very much looking forward to this, and I work on it as often as possible. I test myself to see what I am capable of each day, and whether or not I could manage a management team. I am convinced that I am. I am way excited about both projects. If you would like a copy of the manuscript, let me know and I’ll send you one. I may have to charge you for the copy, and the dollar to send it, if I can’t swing it myself, but I’d be glad to do such.
Hello Paul,
Thought I would drop in and checkout your website. By the way, thank you very much for those kind words you said about me. I always appreciate that.
I like your website and I do think you are a very talented writer. I think one of the hardest things to do these days...is express oneself...but life is a lot like writing...it takes awhile to get it right. Right?
I have really miss the poetry meetings. I may have only attended one, but there are some very talented people in the group (I think so)and sharing that space with everyone really means something to me. I have had a lot going on and I am working on novel #6, a sequel to Killer Instincts, #5. I'm one of those writers who gets totally lost in what I'm doing.I need to start doing the book signings again, but I am going to wait until my forth book comes out, THE CONTROLLER, due out by early fall (I hope). The publisher is working on the cover now. I am very excited about it! Well, I won't drag this out...just wanted to say hi and I hope to get to the next meeting. I hear we have a new member! PLEASE TELL EDNA THAT I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN HER! I do have her book, signed and ready. I really feel bad because she paid me for it and I was suppose to give ittoher at thenext meeting and I haven't been able to make one since...Again,thanks for the kind words...all my best,Loretta
I appreciate all that Loretta. Truthfully, the FPS Meeting only takes 2 1/2 hours a month, and for me, they are quite fun. I don't know if I sent you a contest form, deadline Aug 15th, if you are interested in taking a break and cranking out a few poems, who knows, it may make your prose come easier. Just a thought… I didn't know you were on your sixth book. Your website (last I looked) only showed that you were working on your 2nd, or something like that. Anyway, I would like to check out one of your books. Maybe all of them, signed of course! A good way to sell a few books is to bring them to Poetry Club. Many of the people there are really connected locally, and if you desire to build a local reader base, they would be the ones to get to know. Hopefully, when I open my book store, you will do a signing for us and promote your wares. By the by, Edna just came out with a new chapbook that which half of the proceeds go to restoring historical sites in Portsmouth OH. Her poetry is so relatable, and some of the best I've read. Considering how extraordinarily picky I am, that is quite the comment. She is only charging $10 for some of the most down home poetry I have EVER read. She is a real talent! By the way, I lost the bookmark for your website, what was it again?
“I like your website and I do think you are a very talented writer. I think one of the hardest things to do these days...is express oneself...but life is a lot like writing...it takes awhile to get it right. Right?”
Yeah, I can take a hint. My writing needs work; and I appreciate that comment. It is good to be reminded that one needs to be in a perpetual learning curve not only in writing, but also in life. Perhaps getting it "righter" is best when it comes to life and writing, not necessarily just “Right”. Well, there are those Agatha Christie's, J.R.R. Tokien's, and Steven King's out there who pretty much had or has it right; perhaps even Loretta Craig's? I am grateful for your sage.
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