A New Limerick
I started a new blog where I can discuss and express my more spiritual side. I used to have a rant blog, but I grew weary with it, and my therapist said I should drop it. Being the automaton that I am, I did exactly what she said (she has worked with me and miracles have happened in my mental recovery, so although not Christian, I still trust her greatly.). But, I find that I am overly expressing myself on other people’s blog’s, and it is because I am stifling that large part of me that must express its true voice, and so, if you wish, visit http://the-deep-reader.blogspot.com/ and you should see my first, maybe second post. I have some work to do with it, and it is going to be mostly initiated by a response to something that I have read, either in the bible, book, or magazine (maybe online too).
Well, I sent in my entrants to be judged for the FPS Annual Poetry Contest. It turns out that not many people entered. That is good and bad. It’s good because I have a better chance of winning. It’s bad because it doesn’t fairly represent what is going on in this region as far as talent and skill are concerned. I’m still up some formidable “foes” as it were, but there is some serious skill and talent in this region and I know that they are not representing themselves in this competition.
This whole issue is the responsibility of the officers of the FPS, one of which am I. It had occurred to me that since we were doing so well in our treasury, we should run an ad in the paper with the rules, categories, and entrance directions so more people could know about it. I think that except for our club, no one else even knew it was happening. Well, I didn’t force the issue, and I could have. I guess this is only my third year for the contest, and I assumed that this was already happening. It turns out that it wasn’t. I won’t make the same mistake next year. We will run an ad; especially if we do as well with fund raising during the FPS Poetry in the Park Festival that we have. We made three hundred dollars last spring, and we still have it. We should have run an ad. Well, we learn from our mistakes and move on!
Some of our members had mentioned our potential in working with students this year in order to encourage the poetic arts and literary skills. I think that this is a great idea. In fact, I just might suggest that we redo our contest for the students, make it a holiday competition, with publication in mind, team up with the local paper, and really go for it. The club could judge, and it could really be great. This isn’t entirely my idea, but I like the way I’m thinking.
Here is a Limerick:
King Saul
King Saul displeased the Lord
and fell on his own sword
when he was dead
they took his head
and hung it up on a board
Just found your site. I'm glad your back.
Great poem on this site and the new one, I like them too.
Couldn't post on the new site so posted here.
You should be able to post on the new site now. I didn't pay any attention to the settings at first. It seems you actually have to put some effort into those things.
The link to the new blog in this post is broken, but I found it through your profile page.
Love the limerick.
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