I finished my “Jesus and the M16” manuscript over a month ago. I have been relatively ignoring it so as to work on my business plan for the bookstore. Well, I am almost done with the business plan. I have all the information I need, it just needs to be put together in a publishable manner, of which I have already started. However, the whole family isn’t on board with opening a bookstore and having that in our lives, so until that happens, that project is on hold. So now I am looking to do something with the manuscript. I had a copy printed, then went over it and took out the rough spots (which included rewriting big portions), but I am happy with what I have now. I’ve explored some avenues, none of which I am happy with. I looked on line for a “Christian” publisher, but most of what are being published by them is milquetoast “Christian culture” crap. I am looking for an edgy publisher that will take this book on as a project. First time author...good luck! I’m not a first time first time author, but I’ve only self published before (my first chapbook). The truth is, this is just a chapbook too. Maybe I’ll just have some printed up here at the office supply store and assemble them myself. That ways I can do a limited addition first printing. That’d be kind of cool. Ideally I would go to lulu.com and have the book POD there, but that cost about $150.00, and I don’t have an extra $150.00 to spend. The advantage of having it on lulu.com is to have an ISBN, and have a website to promote the book, and have it available at Amazon.com. I think it actually runs about $180.00. Regardless, that option is always available next spring when we get our tax return. So maybe I’ll do both.
This is my third chapbook manuscript, but the one that I am most proud of. If you want one, let me know and I’ll send you one. It’ll run you $6, so that’s something to think about. Just send the $6 to:
C/o P. Allan Frederick
2303 Argillite Road
Flatwoods, KY 41139
It’ll be a limited edition first self print, numbered, and I’ll sign it, just let me know who to. I think you’ll enjoy. If you have any questions of what I meant by a certain poem, or would like me to explain my thinking on something, let me know and I’ll do it here on this blog.
The Pen Master ©
There is a fine balance between expression and control. Poetry in an excellent way to find that balance. Mastered meter and possibly rhyme, to avant-garde free verse is bent and willed as the poet's great message finds freedom on the page. My goal, to find this balance... Everything on this blog is copyright © by P. Allan Frederick and permission must be granted in order to copy or use any content!
About Me
- Name: P. Allan Frederick
- Location: Eastern Kentucky, United States
I am a passionate and compassionate Biblican who is also deeply into the arts. I can defend doctrines and bring people to God, but I also am a fine art painter and creator and have published poetry in several magazines including Pegasus, Envoi, and a hand full of times in the local paper. I also have a POD Poetry Book which can be bought on Amazon.com called "September Blue" by P. Allan Frederick.
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