Finding My Focus
For some reason I am just stuck! I have the passion, but not the focus to bring it home (or on paper). There are several subjects in which I wish to write some poetry, but I am having a heck of a time getting it out. I am having a heck of a time getting my thoughts straight. Part of it, I’m sure, is that my eight year old is home on holiday break, and that requires much of my attention. But there is more to it than that, I think. The good news is that I see my shrink this coming Monday, and that should help me get my thoughts straight; get my focus back. I also need to be reading on the topics in which I wish to write; also very important.
I think part of the problem is that I tend to want to keep some of my poetry secular, and I’m not a secular person. Most of what I am, and who I am is a person of God. I have this conflict, even with this blog in not wanting to be preachy or mega-religious (big turn off), so I hold back in what I am trying to say. But I have to break through and just be who I am; it is crucial to my creative edge.
You see, the topic I desire to write about is the hypocrisy of the religious right, and the failings of the liberal left, all in a Christian POV. Does that sound too complicated. I am infuriated with men and women who claim to be Christians advocating hate and violence. It’s an oxymoron. A Christian who supports war, as I read the bible, is not in touch with the Jesus I know. I tire of fellows who justify war by misusing scripture, and I feel extremely compelled to write about it. So, that WILL be the target of my next collection of poetry. I title it “Jesus and an M16”. I think that the title speaks for itself.
My next entry will be the ‘I hate television’ poem.