I am completely excited about school. I registered today, and I am completely psyched. I’m taking a writing essentials class, and an Art History class. I am also excited about my student loans. It appears as though I might be able to not only buy my books, but perhaps a laptop as well. Too cool! My short term is to just get my AAH, then onto a BFA in Creative Writing with an Emphasis on Poetry. So extremely cool. This going back to school thing just feels like a natural fit. I never realized just how much of my psyche was leaning on the fact that I had not finished school, but it was really there.
I have been writing some poetry lately. Here is a Christmas Poem I wrote. I probably won’t be back till the New Year.
A Really Bad Forced Rhyme Christmas Poem
The Emperor’s call had filled the Inn
He had to turn people away.
Then one night THEY came to him
Regrets they had no place to stay
“I normally don’t tell anyone
But there is a place you could sleep
It’s damp, dirty, and smells real bad
And you’d be sleeping with sheep”
“But it has a roof and keeps out the cold
I think it is better than nothing
I see your wife is carrying a child
Let me know if you need anything.”
As he went back to his Inn on this cool eve
He felt that this night was historic
He looks up the sky to see what’s bright
A star but nothing angelic
The irony was lost to him
Until the shepherds did come
They asked him if a child was born
They called it the Lord of the kingdom
The Inn Keeper lead them all outside
As said, “Try looking in there.”
He pointed to that barn of his
“You might find a lonely pair.”
He watched as those men did find
Those strangers in the barn
Then he heard a baby cry and he said to himself
“Maybe it’s not just a yarn?”
Then later on that night some more came
To see that special baby
Except they were rich and handsomely dressed
And shared their generosity
A caravan it was that came that night
Particularly three wise men
They came to give their special praise
“For He is the King of Men!”
By morning time it all calmed down
The Inn Keeper decided to look
Perhaps these strangers were more than that
Perhaps their worth he mistook
“Now I’ll find a room for them,
For they seem to have really mattered
I’ll kick someone out of his own room
And perhaps these three will be gladder”
They didn’t turn down his offer that day
And decided to stay in the Inn
Grateful they were of him that is
And they blessed his home and his kin.
So next time you’re ask by someone
“Do you have room and board?”
Say, You’ll have to stay in our small barn
Just like Jesus my Lord.”